Jual Multipro Mesin las Argon listrik TIG 200 A-SA / Trafo Las argon 200 ampere

Jual Multipro Mesin las Argon listrik TIG 200 A-SA / Trafo Las argon 200 ampere. Jika Anda Berminat Silahkan Hubungi Laris Sejahtera Tlp.021-2268.3317.- Hp. 0819.3236.9677. Harga Murah!



Model: TIG 200 A-SA
Kode Produk:

Spesifikasi Produk

Fitur Detail
Input Voltage 1ph 220V ± 15%
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz
Rated Input Power 3.6 KVA
Range Working Voltage 28 V
No-load Voltage 59 V
Range of Output Current 10 ~ 200 A
Rated Input Current 28.6 A
Diameter of Electrode ø 1.6 ~ 2.4 mm
Rated Duty Cycle 60%
Power Factor ≥ 0.93
Efficiency ≥ 85%
Insulation Type B
Protection Type IP21S
Weight 7.8 Kg
Dimension 375 x 155 x 305 mm
IGBT Type Single Tube

Standard Accessories

  • Electrode Holder Set
  • Earth Clamp Set
  • Gas Hose
  • Hose Clip
  • TIG Torch 4 m

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